Couldn't sleep last night. Too many thoughts. Too many emotions.
I'm starting up a new segment of my life that will probably only last a week or so. But nevertheless, I'm starting it up anyway. Each morning, before I turn on my computer at work I plan on reading my Bible. I haven't methodically read my Bible in years. I think I'll record my thoughts here.
Joshua 1-5/Psalms 19-20
I started here because it's where I left off last time I tried to read my Bible straight through. It's kind of sad. But nevertheless, here I go. Joshua is a tough book to read because it seems like it's fit for lesser minds. I hate saying that so bluntly. Rahab was a woman who feared this foreign group of people coming, so she lied to her king and was a traitor to her people. She of course is praised for this, and rewarded by Joshua and his invading force. In her case it was a literal "fear of the Lord" that gave her so much praise.
Psalm 19-20 was beautiful. An amazing piece of literature. I desire the type of faith that David shows here. An unwavering confidence that the good things and beauty around him are directly from God. I saw Psalm 20 last night as I laid in bed. I couldn't sleep so I prayed. I prayed out loud the very things that I read the next day. I'm not too concerned whether it was coincidence or divine...because I found joy from it either way.