Day 1 - Reading

Couldn't sleep last night. Too many thoughts. Too many emotions.

I'm starting up a new segment of my life that will probably only last a week or so. But nevertheless, I'm starting it up anyway. Each morning, before I turn on my computer at work I plan on reading my Bible. I haven't methodically read my Bible in years. I think I'll record my thoughts here.

Joshua 1-5/Psalms 19-20

I started here because it's where I left off last time I tried to read my Bible straight through. It's kind of sad. But nevertheless, here I go. Joshua is a tough book to read because it seems like it's fit for lesser minds. I hate saying that so bluntly. Rahab was a woman who feared this foreign group of people coming, so she lied to her king and was a traitor to her people. She of course is praised for this, and rewarded by Joshua and his invading force. In her case it was a literal "fear of the Lord" that gave her so much praise.

Psalm 19-20 was beautiful. An amazing piece of literature. I desire the type of faith that David shows here. An unwavering confidence that the good things and beauty around him are directly from God. I saw Psalm 20 last night as I laid in bed. I couldn't sleep so I prayed. I prayed out loud the very things that I read the next day. I'm not too concerned whether it was coincidence or divine...because I found joy from it either way.

Facebook Sin...

I sat next to this girl at church a while back. She seemed nice when we talked so I decided to check her out on facebook. She didn't have one. I was thoroughly confused because I don't know ANYONE in college without facebook. Last Sunday I asked her about it and she told me (with obvious pride in herself) that she did not have one. She said she felt convicted about it and got rid of it last year. She did the same to secular music. She felt convicted about listening to it, and has not listened to secular music in months.

Now, I can at least understand these convictions if she loved listening to Ke$ha talk about how she wants to get drunk and hook up, or B. Spears talk about having an threesome, or whatever it seems Lil' Wayne wants to talk about. But I'm willing to bet her idea of "secular" is Miley Cyrus, Jack Johnson, and Coldplay.

Is the same God who convicted David for murder and adultery the same God who is telling this girl to stop listening to Taylor Swift? Is the same God who convicted Abraham to sacrifice an animal instead of his own son the same God who is telling this girl to sacrifice her facebook account?

It just seems odd.


I've been starving my spirit lately. My soul has not been getting the nutrients it needs to survive. And like anything that is living (such as my spirit) it can/will die without being taken care of.

In a connecting story, a few different people have made comments to/about me involving my "lifestyle." Which in my sub-Christian College culture lifestyle = consuming alcohol. In the words of 'the Rabbi' "The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle." In this case 'the Rabbi' is Sir Ben Kingsley, not Jesus. Further investigation is needed to figure out if my "lifestyle" is in need of repair.

Loved this video. It was the first bite towards nourishing my presently starving soul.